Chapter 21 – Life Goes On

Eli slumped against the wall, glaring at his phone as if it had somehow let him down. 

“He still hasn’t texted you back,” Reed asked as he stuffed the last of his sandwich in his mouth.

Shaking his head Eli let out a low sigh. 

“Maybe his dad took his phone,” Tara suggested.

Eli nodded “probably,” he mumbled. It wouldn’t be the first time that Awan’s father had taken his phone but it was the first time that Awan hadn’t come to school.

“Aren’t you going to eat that,” Reed asked, eyeing Eli’s barely touched sandwich.

“Naw,” Eli shook his head, pushing the sandwich towards his friend “you can have it.”

As Reed reached for the sandwich a hand swooped in and grabbed. “Hey that’s mine,” he cried.

Chuckling, Stephen took a huge bite “not anymore.”

“Stephen” Tara jumped her feet “you shouldn’t take things that aren’t yours.”

“Who’s going to stop me,” he demanded, munching on his stolen sandwich. “You?” 

Bunching her hands into fists “if I have too.”

Tossing the half eaten sandwich over his shoulder Stephen snorted “yeah I guess you’re the only onr with any fight in them. Fatso couldn’t move fast enough and the femboy wouldn’t want to mess up his nails.”

“You’re just jealous,” Tara said.

“They haven’t got anything to be jealous of,” Stephan snorted, grabbing Tara and pulling her close “why don’t you dump these losers and go out with me.”

Eli stood up “let her go Stephan.”

“Why don’t you make me,” he retorted. 

Before Eli realized what he was doing he was charging at Stephen like a bull seeing red. All his worry, hurt and anger was in the swing he made at Stephan’s sneering face. The next thing he knew was the feel of the metal locker imprinting on his face as Stephan deftly side stepped his attack.

Stephan pushed Tara away from him as he put a heavy hand on the back of Eli’s neck, pressing him further into the locker. “You’re pathetic,” Stephan taunted. “No one takes a swing at me and gets away with it. 

Eli wasn’t sure how many punches he took before someone pulled Stephan off him. Without Stephan holding him up, he slumped to the floor.

Tara knelt beside him “he wouldn’t have done that if Awan was here.”

“No one messes with Awan,” Reed said, sounding out of breath.

Eli groaned “can you call my dad? Ask him to come get me?” 

“I think you should see the nurse,” Tara said.

“I just want to go home,” Eli said, sounding as if he wanted to cry.

“The only place you’re going is the principal’s office,” a stern voice said above them.


Eli moved in silence beside his dad as they walked towards the car. He kept glancing sideways, wanting to say something but no words would come. 

As they approached the car Jonah broke the silence. “Fighting?” he asked “what’s gotten into you Eli?”

“I didn’t start it,” he mumbled, stopping a few feet behind, head hanging unable to meet his dad’s gaze.

“I’m not mad,” Jonah said, walking back to put a comforting hand on his son’s back. “I’m proud that you stood up for your friend.”

“You, you are?” Eli stammered.

“I am,” Jonah gave him a gentle smile. “The principal on the other hand, not so much.” He was rewarded with a small snort of amusement from his son. “You have a week of suspension for fighting on school grounds.”

“I didn’t even land a punch,” Eli sighed, his shoulders slumping like a tire losing air. 

“Which is why you’re only getting a week instead of a month like the other boy,” Jonah said, frowning a little as he gave his son a once over. “Are you sure you’re alright?”

“Yeah I’m fine,” Eli squinted up at his dad through one swollen eye. “I’m sore and I’ll be black and blue but I’m alright.” He could see the concern in Jonah’s eyes so he hastily added “the nurse said so.”

Jonah shook his head unconvinced “even so I think I want our doctor to check you over.”

“I don’t…” Eli began to protest then sighed “fine.”

After a moment of silence, where neither one moved to get into the car Jonah asked “what’s the matter Eli? You haven’t had a problem with Stephan since you were little kids.”

Crossing his arms Eli looked away, shrugging.

“Don’t do that,” Jonah entreated “I want to help and I can’t do that if you won’t talk to me.”

“I haven’t had any problems with him because Awan always made sure he left us alone,” the words tumbled from his lips like they’d been held back by a dam. 

Jonah blinked, processing the information “Awan hasn’t been in school…” He stepped closer to his son pulling him close “why didn’t you tell me?”

“I was hoping that he’d come back,” Eli sobbed into his dad’s shoulder. “I’m really worried about him.”

“I think it’s time we ask your uncle to call his friend, don’t you?” Jonah rubbed his son’s back offering what comfort.

“Can we do it now?” Eli asked, wiping his nose on the back of his hand as he stepped back.

“Sure,” Jonah agreed, pulling his phone out and making the call to his brother.

Groaning as he set his paint brush aside regretting the interruption of his work right as he was getting into his groove. He ran his hands over his paint smudged smock before answering his phone. “Jonah, what’s wrong,” he asked as a feeling of unease came over him. 

“Could you ask your friend to do a wellness check on Awan,” Jonah asked. “He hasn’t been at school for almost a week and he still doesn’t return Eli’s calls or messages.”

“I’ll make the request,” Jayden said “but I probably won’t get detailed information.”

“Whatever information you can get would be good,” Jonah said “we just want to make sure Awan’s alright.”

“Alright, I’ll let you know what I find out,” Jayden promised, disconnecting the call. 


A few nights later as Jonah and Cecil were drifting off to sleep their bedroom door opened and a small figure entered with shining, determined eyes approached their bed. Rolling over Jonah blinked at the figure staring up at him.

“What are you doing out of bed,” he asked, his voice gentle despite being tired from a long day in the recording studio for his next album. 

Cai stared up at him with large blue eyes as if he were trying to communicate by thought alone. 

“Cai’Ndrell,” Cecil murmured beside Jonah “answer your father.”

“Not sweepy,” the little boy replied, still staring intently up at Jonah. 

Sitting up Jonah switched the light on, squinting at the brightness. “Did you have a nightmare,” he asked as a yawn distorted his face.

Shaking his head from side to side Kia crossed his arms frowning at Jonah. “Not sweepy,” he repeated as if that was answer enough to what was a silly question. “I dragon. No need sweep.”

Rubbing his eyes Jonah turned to Cecil “I think this is more expertise than mine. Do lil dragons need to sleep?”

Cecil propped himself up considering the question. “Little dragons need as much sleep as little humans do.”

Cai looked down at his feet before saying “Eli no sweep.”

Jonah exchanged a glance with Cecil “I should go check on him.”

Rolling over, Cecil got out of bed “I’ll go. You have another day in the studio tomorrow.”

“Yes but…” he looked down at the quick tug on his hand “what is it Kai?”

“I sweep with you,” Cai asked, his eyes pleading up at him.

“Ah,” Jonah chuckled, “so you did have a nightmare?” 

Instead of answering Cai scrambled into bed beside Jonah. Patting the bed “I sweep here.”

Shaking his head Jonah settled in beside him “goodnight lil dragon.”

Cecil’s smile slipped once he closed the door behind him. He knocked softly on Eli’s door before opening the door saying “Eli can I come in,” as he entered.

Eli swiped at his eyes but couldn’t disguise how puffy and red they were. “Did Cai tell you I was crying?”

“No,” Cecil approached the bed “just that you were not sleeping. I suspect that was to justify why he was not in bed.”

Eli couldn’t help but chuckle “Cai had a nightmare and came in here and found me crying.”

“Monster’s under the bed again,” Cecil asked.

Nodding “they were going to eat him.”

“I remember when the twins had similar nightmares,” Cecil chuckled. “Kai will outgrow it as they did.” After a moment Cecil added “why were crying? Worried about Awan?”

Staring at his clasped hands in his lap Eli nodded. “I know Uncle Jayden’s friend said he’s alright and that he’s safe but I …” he stopped, unable to continue over the lump in his throat.

“But it’s not the same as being able to see for yourself,” Cecil finished for him.

Nodding Eli wiped at his eyes. “I just want to see him with my own eyes. I don’t understand why he didn’t say goodbye or even let me know he was leaving.”

“Maybe he couldn’t,” Cecil said, “you know what his father was like.”

“I know,” Eli sniffled, “but how do we know Uncle Jayden’s friend is right? What if Awan’s hurt and needs my help?”

“I don’t think that’s the case,” Cecil said and in the lingering silence he knew that his stepson wasn’t reassured. “Do you know what reapers are?”

“Yeah…they’re they come to reap the souls of those who died,” Eli said “but what does that have to do with Awan?”

“Well…” Cecil paused before adding “the friend that Jayden asked to check on Awan is a reaper.”

Adrenaline shot through Eli as he absorbed the new information “but I thought he said Awan was ok.”

Cecil could hear the rising anxiety in Eli’s voice “Awan is ok. A reaper has the ability to check on anyone, anywhere in the world. I’m telling you this so that you know you can trust that Awan is ok and that he is safe.”

“But for how long,” Eli demanded “he’ll never be safe as long as he’s with his dad.”

“He’s not with his dad,” Cecil said. “After Awan left here the police arrested his dad for kidnapping. I know you have a lot of questions and we may never know all the answers but you don’t have to worry about what Awan’s father will do to him. Awan is home with his family now.”

“Do you think Awan will contact me,” Eli asked.

Cecil could hear the hope in the young boy’s voice and hated to squash it. “I don’t know but even if he doesn’t you know he loves you right?”

Nodding Eli murmured “I love him too but…”

“Sometimes you have to trust in fate and if things are meant to be you and Awan will meet again,” Cecil said.

“I don’t know if I believe in fate but I’ll try,” Eli sighed “I don’t know what to believe anymore.”

“I know it is difficult but don’t give up hope,” Cecil advised him. He didn’t add that Eli was only thirteen and a lot of things will change as he gets older, even first loves.

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